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Gabor Maté on CBC Radio's THE CURRENT listen

Gabor Maté talks with cancer survivors on CBC Radio listen
Gabor Maté with Karen Stancer - Living in a Culture of Addiction listen


Gabor Maté on BookTV
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Gabor Maté on VICKI
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Now comes Gabor Maté , an insightful, no-nonsense, and thoroughly compassionate physician who provides an overview of all these perspectives and comes to the marvelously humane conclusion that ADD/ADHD is neither nature (genetics) nor nurture (parenting/environment) but, rather, the result of the collision of a predisposing nature with an ADD-hostile life situation, family, school, or job. How refreshing!

-Thom Hartman, author of ADD: A Different Perception and many other books about ADD



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Gabor MatÈ, M.D.